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Club Rules 

The Genesee Figure Skating Club (GFSC) strives to provide a safe environment for its members and to provide an opportunity for all members to participate in the sport in a comfortable setting, free from harassment, or abusive practices. These rules address the most frequently encountered situations. The Rules and Ice Chair, or their designee, has the authority to interpret the rules and make decisions on all questions or situations not covered by the rules. Rules may be amended by the Rules and Ice Chair in consultation with the Board of Governors. For any questions, please contact Richard Saunders, Rules & Ice Chair. 

General Policies and Procedures:

  • To skate on club ice, the skater must have passed USFS Basic Skills Level 4 or have coach and board evaluation prior to skating .

  • All members are expected to abide by all rules as a privilege of membership. Members are expected to participate and volunteer for club events and activities. 

  • Coaches instructing at GFSC have the right and responsibility to maintain appropriate behavior of skaters both on and off the ice.  Any coach, the Rules and Ice Chair or any Board Member may interact with any skater to address matters related to behavior and/or safety.  

  • All children under the age of twelve (12) must have a parent or designated, mature guardian present in the building at all times and they must supervise the behavior of the child.

  • Member skaters must be in good standing, membership and ice fees paid to date, to participate in any test session, competition, show, or other exhibition, or to be eligible for consideration for any trophies and other awards which may be presented by the club.


Guest Policies and Procedures: 

  • Guest coaches and guest skaters who are not members of GFSC must provide proof of USFSA or Skate Canada membership and must abide by all club rules.

  • Coaches must be fully compliant with SkateSafe as required by USFSA or Skate Canada. 

  • Guest skaters may walk on a maximum of five days per year without joining the club.  

  • Guest coaches may teach on GFSC ice three days per year without joining but must receive board approval prior to coming each time (including video conferencing coaches). Guest coach memberships  are available to those who wish to regularly teach on GFSC ice. 

  • Skaters who are not full members of US Figure Skating or Skate Canada may skate once annually for the purpose of exploring club membership and/or take a lesson with a coach. Permission from a Board Member is required. A waiver must be signed by skater/parent.

  • Figure skates must be worn on all GFSC sessions. No hockey skates permitted. 

  • Skates should be worn only on the ice and in the designated areas. Skate guards required when off ice.

Rules Governing Skating Sessions:


  • Skaters must sign in for ice sessions using our “Ice Sign In” page on our website. Session registration closes 1 hour before listed start time.

  • Payment for the session is made at the time of sign in by use of a pre-purchased pass or payment of a walk on fee. A walk on fee permits skaters to buy a singular session for a designated price.

  • The club reserves the right to limit the number of skaters permitted on a session; priority is given on a first come basis. 

Lessons and Observers: 

  • Private and semi-private (two skaters) lessons may be taught on GFSC sessions. Three or more skaters receiving instruction together constitutes a group lesson and must be approved by the Board.

  • Parents, guardians and guest observers must not interfere with skaters or coaches conducting lessons.  

  • Video recording is permitted only with the permission of the skater or their parent, and the coach. 

  • Video recording by skaters/coaches while skating around the rink is not permitted. 

  • Video conferencing with a coach/specialist is only permitted during a lesson with a GFSC coach who is actively monitoring the skater’s actions, and the safety of other skaters on the ice. The in-person coach may not be giving lessons to other skaters while monitoring the video lesson. No more than two skaters may be engaged with the video conferencing instructor at any given time. Board approval is required for each occurrence of video coaching. 

​On Ice Behavior:

  • Skaters should keep moving while on the ice; it is dangerous for skaters to stand still or sit on the ice during a session. After a fall, get up immediately.  

  • Conversations should take place standing along the boards in front of the hockey boxes, in the hockey boxes, or off the ice.  

  • Congregating in the corners or at center ice is a hazard and not permitted.

  • Sitting on, hanging over or climbing on barriers, or blocking doorways is not permitted.  

  • Barrier doors, with the exception of the music booth and entry way should remain closed. 

  • Only water in non-breakable, covered containers is permitted at barrier.  

  • When leaving any item at the barrier, care should be taken to be sure it will not fall on to the ice.  

  • Food is not permitted on the ice or near the barrier.

  • All skaters and coaches must leave the ice immediately when the session ends or the Zamboni doors open. All barrier doors should be closed at the end of the session.

Right of way:

All skaters are expected to be aware of others on the ice and try to anticipate their patterns. Skaters should look both ways before attempting a jump, spin, sequence, leaving the barrier, or skating across the ice.

Priority for right of way is as follows:

1.  The skater practicing a program with music has the right of way, whether in a lesson or not; other skaters must yield. Colorful vests or belts may be used, particularly on more highly attended sessions to identify the skater whose music is being played.  

2.  Skaters in a lesson have the right of way over general skaters on the session. Skaters not in a lesson should avoid skating between a coach and their student when practical. 

3.  All skaters are expected to look out for each other. It is the responsibility of the higher level, more skilled skater to make every attempt to avoid the lesser skilled skater. Lesser skilled skaters must be aware of other skaters and their surroundings. Kindly asking others for use of ice space is encouraged. Respect for requests is expected.  


Music may be played from the music booth on a rotational basis and is the responsibility of skaters/coaches. Only skaters and adults familiar with the music system should operate it. Those familiar can teach others. All music/devices should be collected at the end of the session.

  • The use of personal music playing devices while on the ice, with or without earbuds or similar, is prohibited.

  • Only two skaters and one adult permitted in the music booth at any time. 

  • Coaches giving a lesson have priority to play music.  

  • Music may be changed only when the piece being played has ended or the skater/coach indicates it may be changed.

  • General skaters may play their program no more than twice during any one session. 

  • When multiple coaches are giving lessons at the same time, the music must be rotated. Coaches should be mindful of the number of times an individual skater's music is played on one session.   

  • Additional (non-program) music may be played at the discretion of the coaches. It may not contain lyrics of an inappropriate nature. The radio will not be used on GFSC sessions.

  • The volume of the music played must not be so loud that it impedes a coach's ability to communicate.  Coaches may adjust music volume if needed.

  • Skaters may only adjust the volume of another skater's music with permission from skater/skater's coach.

Prohibited Behaviors

Any skater engaging in any of the following behaviors will be asked to leave the session immediately for the remainder of the session and the Rules and Ice Chair and parent will be notified of the event. The Rules and Ice Chair may, at his/her discretion, refer any incidents to the Board for further action.

  • Verbal or physical abuse/harassment of other skaters or coaches.

  • Deliberately challenging, scaring, or intentionally blocking another skater.

  • Engaging in clearly unsafe or disruptive behavior. 

  • Violation of any aforementioned regulations. 


I have read the above rules and agree to abide by them.  


Skater __________________________________________ Date____________________


Parent __________________________________________ Date____________________

© 2025 by Genesee Figure Skating Club. All rights reserved. 

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